"Mahalis" <don### [at] fakeycom> wrote in message
> I think I tried hollow- should I have the outer sphere hollow as well as the
> csg one?
Without seeing some code I can't be sure. But, it occurs to me if you have two
spheres - a small one differenced from a large one -- and have defined the media
for the small one, you won't see any media. You've essentially told POV "I don't
want this sphere, just its surface from the larger one." To do what you want you
would need to define a third slightly smaller sphere with a transparent surface
and move the interior statement to it. Make sure this third sphere is hollow.
And of course, make sure you're not getting any warnings about the
camera being in a non-hollow object.
Batronyx ^"^
bat### [at] cadronhsacom //old & going away
bat### [at] alliancecablenet //new & active now.
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